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Cymorthfa Waunarlwydd

Ar y 7fed o Dachwedd byddaf yng Nghanolfan Cymunedol Waunarlwydd er mwyn cynnal cymorthfa. Nid oes angen apwyntiad arnoch, gallwch taro draw gyda unrhyw pryderon neu gwestiynnau rhwng 6 a 7 o'r gloch. (Os bod llawer o bobl yn dod neu eich bod chi am sgwrs dyfnach gallwn cario ymlaen heibio 7).

Mae'n hynod bwysig i mi fel Aelod Cynulliad bod pobl y rhanbarth yn cael eu clywed. Dyna pam dwi am sicrhau fy mod yn dal cymorthfeydd ymhob cornel o De Orllewin Cymru dros y misoedd nesaf.

Felly dewch a thrafodwch! Dwi am clywed o chi. Os ydych am cysylltu cyn y cymorthfa ar unrhyw fater, gallwch ddarganfod fy manylion cyswllt yma.

On the 7th of November I will be in Waunarlwydd Community Centre, holding a surgery. You don't need an appointment, just come along with any questions or concerns you have between 6 and 7 o'clock. (If the surgery is particularly busy or you want to have a deeper discussion, we can extend ther surgery beyond 7).

As an Assembly Member, my priority is that the people of South Wales West are listened to. That's why I'm making sure that I hold surgeries in every corner of the region, to allow everyone to have their voices heard.

So, come along and let's have a discussion! I want to hear from you. If you want to contact me before the surgery on any issue, you can find my contact details here.

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