Plaid Calls for Opening of “NHS Gyms”
Plaid Cymru Member of the Senedd for South Wales West, Dr Dai Lloyd has this week called on the Labour Welsh Government to open “NHS gyms” for patients with chronic mobility issues who would usually require physiotherapy and otherwise have access to gym equipment.
Dr Lloyd believes the Welsh Government should consider opening sections of gyms that are currently closed to the public due to the pandemic for these patients with such chronic mobility issues.

Dr Lloyd stated,
“Despite the best efforts of physiotherapists and other NHS staff, exercises given for individuals with these conditions to do at home just don’t work as well as using proper gym equipment.
Many people with chronic mobility issues such as spondylarthritis often manage their condition through a targeted exercise regime developed with physiotherapy.”
Dr Lloyd also raised concerns that not having access to the correct equipment could have a significant impact on people living with such conditions, adding,
“Without proper access to a gym throughout the current restrictions, many are finding that their condition has deteriorated significantly, and perhaps irreversibly.
The Welsh Government has a responsibility to ensure people living with chronic mobility issues are able to manage their condition in a controlled and safe environment.
Opening sections of gyms and prescribing the use of equipment by doctors and physiotherapists would significantly improve quality of life for many people across Wales.”