Samaritans - Wales Impact Report
Yesterday I had the absolute privilege of being able to attend the launch of the Samaritans' Wales Impact Report. The report highlighted the vital work carried out by the Samaritans in all areas of society. They work in schools, prisons, through the media and in many other ways to support those suffering from mental ill-health and to prevent suicide.
The launch was wonderfully led by one of Wales' favourite sons, Nigel Owens. His speech was moving and clearly came from the heart.

The event was held to coincide with World Mental Health Awareness Day. Mental health is a major issue facing Wales and as a GP I understand just how important it is to talk about it.
Currently, one in four people will suffer from mental ill-health during their lives and 13% of people are currently being treated. We must give massive thanks to organisations such as the Samaritans and campaigns like the "Time to Change" campaign for helping break down the stigma attached to mental health problems. Thanks of course must also go to those individuals who have bravely told their stories and have been a major supporting influence on other sufferers.
The employment statistics for people with mental health are damning and prove that far more needs to be done to support people into work. There must also be a massive effort made on the part of government to ensure that employers are not discriminating, either directly or indirectly against those who have suffered from mental ill-health.
There are definitely successes to discuss following this year's World Mental Health Awareness Day. However, we mustn't rest on our laurels. The Tory government's savage Department of Work and Pensions are contributing enormously to the mental health problems our country faces. We must challenge the government in London to reform their ways and to stop making the situation worse.
Together we can make a huge difference to the lives of each individual suffering problems with their mental health and we can ensure that the wellbeing of our country is improved.
The Samaritans Report can be accessed here