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Plaid AM calls on everyone to up their exercise game

Party of Wales AM Dr Dai Lloyd made the call on a visit to Swansea's new Footgolf facility

Plaid AM Dr. Dai Lloyd, who Chairs the National Assembly’s Health and Social Care Committee, has called on residents in South Wales West to increase their physical activity levels.

Dr. Lloyd made his call ahead of a visit this week to the Swansea Footgolf facility near Blackpill, on the site of the old Council-run pitch and putt golf course. The new facility, which opened earlier this year, has been a huge success, significantly increasing visitor numbers.

Dr. Lloyd stated:

“Physical activity contributes to wellbeing and is essential for our health, reducing the risk of many chronic conditions, like coronary heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Even a relatively small increase in physical activity can help.

“As well as delivering personal health benefits, increased physical activity also delivers cost savings for health and social care services, which are severely over-stretched.

"This type of attraction in Swansea is a wonderful example of a facility which gives people of all ages something different to do. During my visit today, it was great to see parents and grand-parents, people of all ages, out on the course, getting that vital physical exercise that we all need.

“The message to residents in South Wales West is to get out and about, get active, and start to see those personal health benefits.”

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