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Water customers could save up to £250 on water bills

Water customers could save up to £250 on water bills

Dr Dai Lloyd AM urges eligible customers to switch to new tariff

Many lower income households in South Wales West could be eligible for savings of up to £250 on their water bills, and Dai Lloyd is urging local people check whether they could benefit.

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water offers a special HelpU tariff for customers in households where the total annual income is £15,000 or less.

Dai Lloyd said, “Welsh Water says that many thousands of customers could benefit from HelpU - and some could see their annual water and sewerage bill cut by a half. People who qualify only have to get in touch with the company and they’ll be helped to make the switch to the HelpU tariff.

“This is an initiative that would benefit many in my constituency and I urge people to think about whether they qualify and, if so, to contact the company immediately. We know that for many the water bill exceeds five per cent of household income and so paying it can be a struggle.

“There are big savings available to those on low incomes. If you don’t qualify yourself, perhaps you know someone else who does. Please spread the word and pass on this valuable information to them.”

Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water can be contacted online at or by calling 0800 052 0145.

Plaid Cymru's Dr Dai Lloyd added that 60,000 customers already benefit from Dŵr Cymru’s social tariffs for water and sewerage bills. HelpU is the company’s only social tariff based solely on household income. It has been devised after consultation with the Welsh Government, the Consumer Council for Water, and Community Housing Cymru.

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