Patients in South West Wales waiting hours for ambulance response
Welsh Government needs to act urgently say Plaid

Many patients in South West Wales are continuing to wait hours on end for an ambulance response and the Welsh Government needs to act urgently to address it.
That is the call from Plaid Cymru AM Dai Lloyd who will this week claim that the Health Secretary, Vaughan Gething AM, has become complacent with regards to ambulance response times.
In questioning Vaughan Gething at the Senedd on Wednesdsay, Dr. Lloyd will cite three recent examples in Swansea where patients have had to wait for 3 ½ hours, 4 hours and 5 hours respectively prior to an ambulance attending the scene.

Dr. Lloyd stated:
“Since the ambulance response targets were changed in 2015, fewer conditions are now included within the immediately life threatening eight minute target, so the Welsh Government has been keen to paint a picture of improvement, and when you look at the statistics against the eight minute target, there has certainly been an improvement.
“However, the reality on the ground is that many patients outside of this immediately life threatening category are having to wait ridiculously long times for an ambulance.
“Waiting for 4 or 5 hours is simply unacceptable, and it is clear that much more work and investment is needed within our Health Boards and the Welsh Ambulance Trust to ensure that there is a timely flow of patients through the unscheduled care system.”

Dr. Lloyd added:
“Winter pressures are upon us, meaning that demand for services are higher at this time of year, and while NHS Direct, 111 and the ‘Choose Well’ campaign all have a part to play in reducing demand, there is no getting away from the fact that the Welsh Government needs to significantly improve the flow of patients within our hospitals.
“Already this winter we have seen ambulances queuing outside of Morriston Hospital in Swansea, meaning that ambulance resources are tied up and unable to respond to calls from members of the public. This is the evidence that the Health Secretary needs to be looking at. It is there for all to see.”