Debate needed on why ABM Health Board remains in ‘targeted intervention’
18 months have lapsed since Welsh Government decided to put ABM under ‘targeted intervention’ status
Plaid AM Dr. Dai Lloyd has today called on the Welsh Government to generate greater progress in terms of moving Abertawe Bro Morgannwg (ABM) University Health Board out of its ‘targeted intervention’ status.

ABM was put into ‘targeted intervention’ status by the Welsh Government, and has remained so, since September 2016.
Dr. Lloyd today asked the Leader of the House at the National Assembly, Julie James AM, to provide an update on the progress that ABM has made against the priorities that the Welsh Government is trying to address.
Dr. Lloyd today stated:
“Back in September 2016, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board was put under Welsh Government ‘targeted intervention’. This status of course is only one step away from ‘Special Measures’.

“The reason for this was due to significant concerns that existed at that time around unscheduled care, stroke and planned care, among others.
“Locally in Swansea and South West Wales, we know that there have been significant operational pressures on unscheduled care over the winter, and there has been a knock-on effect on delivery of national performance targets.
“With this in mind, and given the fact that over a year and a half has lapsed since the Welsh Government decided to provide targeted intervention, it is vital that the Cabinet Secretary for Health brings forward a debate at the National Assembly. This debate needs to focus particularly on any improvements against the targeted intervention priorities as set by the Welsh Government.
“After over 18 months of targeted intervention status, it would appear that ABM is still struggling to meet national performance targets, and we need an open debate on why this is the case.”