AM calls on Swansea Council to Block Llansamlet Incinerator
South Wales West AM Dr Dai Lloyd has written to Councillor Rob Stewart, leader of Swansea Council asking him to use legal powers in terms of the lease that the Council has on the land that is currently used by waste operator Biffa. The proposed incinerator development on the site has proven to be controversial and deeply unpopular with local residents. In his letter to the leader of Swansea Council, Dr Lloyd stated that;
“There is considerable concern locally in Llansamlet concerning the proposed incinerator at the Biffa site at Clarion Close. The concerns around air pollution and adverse impact on health, as well as the environmental issues are well rehersed”

Dr Lloyd has previously raised these concerns with both Swansea Council and the Welsh Government through letters to the authority, commenting on the planning application and questions in the Senedd Chamber.
“This proposed incinerator would be burning waste 24 hours a day, should it go ahead. This is clearly not acceptable to anyone. The site is within 200 meters of a residential estate, and is extremely close to Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Lon Las. This application flies in the face of Welsh Government’s Future Generations Act and Air Quality policies.”
In his most recent letter to Swansea Council, Dr Lloyd has asked them to use powers they have in terms of the lease to stop the development, stating;
“I understand that the council currently leases the site on which Biffa are hoping to develop the incinerator. I would like to clarify the council’s position in terms of the current lease, and how you intend to use any legal powers that you have in this regard. Clearly, the granting of planning permission is separate from the consent of use under the terms of the lease.

Therefore, could I ask, will Biffa need to apply to the City and County of Swansea, as the landowner, for a change of the ‘use’ under the current terms of the lease, and if so, would the authority be prepared to refuse the change of application?”
Ending his letter to Councillor Stewart, Dr Lloyd re-affirmed his opposition to the proposal, and pointed out that members of Councillor Stewarts own party have also raised their concerns, stating;
“I have already asked the Welsh Government to call-in the planning application, as has Mike Hedges AM, but I would also like to see the authority committing to rule out the development of the incinerator by utilising any legal powers that it may have under the current lease.”