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Plaid call for strong and immediate response to protect jobs at Bridgend Ford plant

Local AM calls for urgent statement from Welsh Government on the matter

Plaid Cymru AM Dr. Dai Lloyd has today called on the Welsh Government to provide a ‘strong and immediate response’ to protect jobs at Bridgend’s Ford Plant.

The Plaid AM raised the issue at the Senedd on Tuesday where he called on the Welsh Government to bring forward an urgent statement which will set out how it intends to protect jobs at the plant.

Dr. Dai Lloyd AM stated:

“The loss of nearly a thousand jobs will have a devastatsing impact on the Bridgend and surrounding area.

“With the loss of the Jaguar Land Rover and Ford Ecoboost contracts, it is vitally important that the Welsh Government works with the company to look for alternative solutions, with the ultimate aim of

securing a future for these workers.

“We need to see a situation whereby the company, the unions, welsh Government, local authorities and other interested partners come together to work out how we can secure a future for the plant.

“This is why Plaid Cymru has called on the Welsh Government to convene an emergency summit to deal with the situation.”

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