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Plaid MS Questions School Re-opening Timetable

Dear Sir,

Over recent days following the Welsh Government’s announcement on plans to reopen all schools in Wales on 29th June, I have received representations from concerned parents across Swansea and NPT, and teaching unions. The Welsh Government appear to have thrown their cautious approach to containing the spread of COVID-19 out of the window with this announcement.

Plaid Cymru agrees with these concerned parents and unions, and urged the Welsh Government to keep schools shut through June & July, and start a phased reopening in mid-August - in line with both Scotland and Northern Ireland.

It appears Dr Frank Atherton, the chief medical officer also disagrees with the course of action taken by the Welsh Government, stating in a press conference on Thursday 4th June that Kirsty Williams’ plan was the “second best option”.

The Welsh Government’s test & trace program has only just begun and there is little evidence of how the virus transmits through our communities, with this in mind we should not be risking the health of our teachers and children by sending them back to school too soon.


Dr. Dai Lloyd MS

Plaid Cymru

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